Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Job Vacancy (english form)

Job Apication Letter

To write a business letter, you need to include the following :

a.       Your address (at the top right)
b.      The name and address of the person you are writing to (on the left)
c.       The date of the letter, and
d.      The appropriate opening salutation and closing for your letter.

The Frame Work of The Job Application
Your street,
Your town, your postal code
Addressee’s title (e.g. The Personal Manager)
Name of firm
The street
The town, the postal code
Dear sir/madam
                Application for the post of .......
I am interseted in applying for a position in your firm as ....... as advertised in ........ on the ..... of ...... . I am ..... years old, and ...... .
I look forward to your reply
Your faithfully
(your signature and name)

  kritk dan sarannya ya :)

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